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From ideation and planning your video to filming and editing: we provide an end-to-end video production service in house.

Take a look at some of the kinds of films we can make, below, and get in touch if you'd like us to help tell your story.
Brand promotional video

Promotional Video

Show the World what you do and how you do it. A promotional video can showcase your services and help you connect with your audience.

Short documentary

A story is a powerful thing: it can educate, inspire and call to action. For brands, a short, or micro, documentary can build an audience that share the same values and ethos.

Short documentary
Event videography


What better way to capture the atmosphere of a live event. Think of the opening day of a new shop, a carnival or a sporting event; a highlights video can ensure that your event lives long in the memories of those who were there (and probably some of those who weren't, too)

Live  sessions

We have a great relationship with No Luck Audio, an Exeter based recording studio. Together we can showcase your music by arranging, filming and recording a live session.

Live music sessions
Video Editing Timeline

Individual services

Do you already have your footage but need someone to put it all together and get the best out of it? Or are you happy to edit, but need someone to film for you? We can help, just get in touch and tell us what you need.

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